Thursday, June 21, 2007

Advanced stages of brain death, no really!

Class has been fun this week but I miss being with my family. I also missed my wedding anniversary and helping with the puppets at VBS. On top of being in class all day, I worked 4 hours each night for the first three days. And don't even get me started on the "wonderful" hotel bed.

Looking forward to getting home tomorrow night. My brain is fried.

Brain fried. Core dumped. (computer joke)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Yeehaa! All the scripts are done except for a bit of tweaking and editing. Working on sounds and music and I don't have much time. I'm leaving on Father's Day for Atlanta, GA for training. My managers want me to take a certain class as soon as possible and it's next week or the first week of October. Argh!

So I have to have everything ready for the puppets skits before I leave (costumes, props, sound effect and intro/ending music). And take care of some things at home as well.

On top of not having much of a Father's Day, I'm also missing being with my lovely bride on our 19th wedding anniversary.

We took the kids to Dick's Sporting Goods store where they had their Outdoor Experience fair set up. Hopefully I can get some pictures posted this weekend. They had a kayak pool so you can try out some of the kayaks and a shooting range setup to shoot airsoft and pellet guns. Bethany was disappointed that she didn't get to shoot but the age limit was 10 and up. The boys all shot very well with the pellet guns. Kept the shots in the 9 ring.


Sunday, June 3, 2007

Wow, what a busy two weeks it's been. I've still a script and a half to go for the puppet shows. My sister has moved to Iowa and bought a house. My wife is not going to be teaching this next school year so she can take more classes per quarter to become an interpreter for the deaf.

I work at a Japanese company here in the Columbus, OH area and we're going to be having an interesting summer at work. We've got a major upgrade of our systems, both software and hardware, to do. On top of that there is a plant to convert over to our system and a new plant that should be coming up on the system by the end of the year. Plus the usual projects and support we normally do. There are also some interesting changes in the managment of the department coming up. One of which is the Senior Advisor to the MIS Department is being rotated back to Japan but there will not be a replacement coming in. My Senior Manager will be taking over the Senior Advisor's duties (mainly upper office politics). There are other changes coming but I am not at liberty to talk about those changes yet in a public forum. More on those as they happen.

Last week was the one year anniversary of my Father's death. I miss him greatly and do wish he were still here. There have been so many things happening through out the whole family this last year that we couldn't share with him directly. But we will see him again in time and I like to think that he is able to see what's happening in ours lives from heaven.

Free Thought of the Day: It would be really nice if those who encourage others to become suicide bombers would lead by example.