Sunday, June 15, 2008

Yes!! I'm still alive!!

Hi everyone! I know it's been months since I've posted anything here. We've had a lot going on here like everyone else. Where to start, uh, ok back in December will do (yes it's been that long).

Disclaimer: the computer I'm using has something stuck under the "e" key and it doesn't always work. I think I've caught them all but you never can tell.

We had a fun time doing the Christmas cantata at church. I have a picture of me with my beard I let grow out (about 4 inches long). I don't have any particular pictures of me in costume but I do remember camera flashes going off during the cantata.

I turned another year older( you'll have to guess).

I had my one wisdom extracted the day before we left for our church's couples retreat. (OW!)

I got a weird raise at work ( don't ask).

I'm desperately trying to finish puppet skits for this year's Vacation Bible School at church.

We had two tornado/funnel cloud sightings where one of the storms passed directly over our house (on Mother's Day) and the other one they thought might cause tornadoes at 4:15 am on the Saturday after Mother's Day. My sister can relate to that one.

After I get the puppet skits done I will get pictures of various things posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

David wants to know what a wierd raise is...I told him you said not to ask, but he still is asking!